Shuttered Indefinitely

Updates on the Baltimore bridge that collapsed, Sam Bankman-Fried being sentenced to 25 years in prison, baseball’s opening day, and other top news for Friday, March 29th. We’re taking Monday off to celebrate an empty tomb but will be back on Wednesday. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over.

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─────── March 29, 2024 ───────

It is Good Friday.

Today, we remember the darkest event in history: the crucifixion of the Son of God. While we will soon celebrate his resurrection, today, we mourn that it was because of our sin that he died.

“Christ the Lord is risen. Our joy that hath no end.”
St. John of Damascus



Updates from Baltimore

The work is just beginning following the Francis Scott Key Bridge’s collapse.

Two bodies were recovered Wednesday, and four more people are presumed dead following a cargo ship’s collision with the Baltimore bridge. Further recovery efforts are paused while debris is cleared. 

The National Transportation Safety Board is beginning a 12- to 24-month investigation into what happened onboard the ship and the structure of the bridge. Maryland’s governor promised a “full evaluation” of the state’s “fracture-critical” bridges.

Meanwhile, the Port of Baltimore — which handles more cars than any other port in the U.S. —  is shuttered indefinitely, raising alarm bells in the auto industry. Transportation Secretary Buttigieg met Thursday with key supply chain operators to develop a plan to mitigate disruptions; rebuilding is expected to take years and cost up to $4 billion.


Verse to consider when your neighbor is mourning… “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (CSB)


SBF Sentence

Crypto’s former King was sentenced to 25 years in prison yesterday.

In November, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was convicted of stealing $8 billion customers had deposited in his cryptocurrency exchange FTX… and making risky bets with it. 

Prosecutors requested SBF be sentenced to 40-50 years in prison for one of the “largest financial frauds in history.” SBF’s defense had requested a 6.5-year sentence, asking for leniency because customers may actually recoup their money thanks to a rebound in cryptocurrency prices (Bitcoin is near its all-time high, up 60% this year).

The federal judge seemed unswayed, criticizing SBF for lacking remorse and expressing concern that the 32-year-old may commit crimes again. He also fined SBF $11 billion and authorized the government to seize assets in order to repay victims.


The Bible warns us over and over about the danger of feeding an insatiable desire for wealth. Fight that greed by exercising your generosity muscles, making a habit of an open-handed approach to all God’s gifts.

“Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to you… But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? For everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your own hand.” 
1 Chronicles 29:11, 14 (CSB)


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Sometimes, the most potent health solutions are those nature perfected long ago.

ARMRA Colostrum harnesses the power of a 300 million-year-old whole food with 400+ functional nutrients: colostrum. Supported by over 5,000 published studies, colostrum’s benefits are as vast as they are vital — from strengthening immunity and optimizing the microbiome to igniting metabolism and rejuvenating hair and skin.

Now, about the elephant cow in the room… ARMRA cows never receive hormones or antibiotics, and ARMRA Colostrum is committed to calf-first sourcing from family-owned U.S. farms, meaning ARMRA only collects overflow colostrum. 

Empower your body with the blueprint to revitalize health from the inside out. Use code TPO to get 15% off your first order today!


Play Ball!

For baseball fans, there are no two more beautiful words: Opening Day. 

Though the season technically kicked off in South Korea last week – where the Dodgers and Padres each won a game – most teams began play yesterday. 

The season’s big stories include:

  • A few modest rule changes, including a wider running lane to first base and a shorter pitch clock when runners are on base.

  • The Yankee’s new slugger, outfielder Juan Soto. Will he make the difference in getting them back to the playoffs?

  • The gambling scandal involving Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter, which is under investigation.

The Dodgers entered the season as favorites to win the World Series this year, followed by the Atlanta Braves. The World Series champion Texas Rangers raised their championship banner before yesterday’s game, then beat the Cubs 4-3 in 10 innings.


Sports are fun and a great diversion but can also become an obsession. Keep your affections with Jesus, allow your hobbies to be hobbies, and keep everything in its proper place.

“…Keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith...”
Hebrews 12:2


We’ll share the final numbers on Wednesday (we’re taking Monday off to celebrate the empty tomb!), but the Easter Challenge has been amazing.

Here’s our final push – read this list and see if God stirs your heart for any particular group: 

If one sticks out, would you donate $5-$10? We’ve long since reached our match of $2,500 for each org, so this is just a challenge to bless these great ministries further! Thank you!


Disney and DeSantis are finally… feeling the love tonight. After a two-year squabble over control of Walt Disney World’s tax district, they finally reached a settlement. WDW president Jeff Vahle said the agreement “opens a new chapter of constructive engagement;” Florida's Gov. DeSantis said his administration has “been vindicated” for the legal action it took. 

Former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman died Wednesday at 82. A moderate Democrat, he was his party’s VP nominee in 2000, becoming the first Jew on a major party presidential ticket. In 2006, he won his Senate reelection as an Independent. After retiring, Lieberman served as founding Chairman of the centrist No Labels party leading up to the 2024 election.

Driving in NYC just got pricier. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority approved controversial new “congestion tolls” that charge cars $15 to enter downtown Manhattan during the day (prices vary by type of vehicle and drop significantly at night). The MTA said it had to do “something big” to raise the $1B  needed per year to upgrade the city’s deteriorating subway system.

Uhh, never mind. NBC fired former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel just days after hiring her as a political analyst. Her abrupt exit followed vocal protests by NBC’s on-air hosts, who criticized McDaniel’s comments on the 2020 election and January 6th. NBC is now facing backlash for underrepresenting conservatives.

Ever find a surprise $20 in your pocket? South Carolina officials just found an account that’s collected $1.8 billion over the past decade, but no one knows who’s been funding it or why. Last year, the state’s top accountant resigned after a $3.5 billion clerical error (on paper only), so… it might be time for a QuickBooks refresher.




What We’re Subscribing To
This Prayer Newsletter*

Too often, we cover difficult news stories but provide no real action steps – nothing specific you (or we) can do to help.

Help The Persecuted’s Prayer Network newsletter doesn’t have that problem.

Every week, you’ll learn about ten of the 360 million Christians who are persecuted (facing death threats, violence, abandonment, and economic hardship) because of their faith in Jesus Christ. AND you’ll hear about their specific prayer needs.

What We’re Subscribing To
Culture Translator by Axis*

If you’re a parent, doesn’t it sometimes feel like kids speak a different language? The latest trends and slang change so quickly; just when you thought you were caught up, they come home from school to spill more tea, show you the dankest TikToks, and let you know you’re sus.

(That was as painful to write as it was to read).

Culture Translator is a weekly email that boils down the latest trends impacting your kid’s world through a Christian perspective so you can relate to, engage with, and ultimately guide them to Jesus. Subscribe here with just one click!

*This is a sponsored post



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